Woodlands Wipeable Vinyl Tub Sofa & Chair

  • Woodlands Wipeable Vinyl Tub Sofa & Chair-Cosy Direct,Seating,Sofa-Learning SPACE

Woodlands Wipeable Vinyl Tub Sofa & Chair

Vat Relief

€963,83 incl. VAT

€803,19 excl. VAT

Product Code:

Product Description:

Children will love this settee, its friendly, fun woodland design and high-quality finish, makes it a real 'must-buy' for your setting. Wipe clean vinyl-coated, still feels soft and a contract quality material. Cosy quality. Antimicrobial, antibacterial, wipeable high-quality product. Chair H52cm x L46cm x D45cm H52cm x L90cm D45cm

Estimated Delivery:

Made To Order - Up to 4 Weeks




  • 3- 5 Years Old
  • 5 - 7 Year Olds
  • 8 + Years Old