The Citrus Head/Neck Collar - Floatsation Aid

  • markers The Citrus Head/Neck Collar - Floatsation Aid-Floatsation,Hydrotherapy-Excluding VAT-Float-NeckCollar-Learning SPACE
  • markers The Citrus Head/Neck Collar - Floatsation Aid-Floatsation,Hydrotherapy-Learning SPACE
  • markers The Citrus Head/Neck Collar - Floatsation Aid-Floatsation,Hydrotherapy-Learning SPACE
  • markers The Citrus Head/Neck Collar - Floatsation Aid-Floatsation,Hydrotherapy-Learning SPACE

The Citrus Head/Neck Collar - Floatsation Aid

Vat Relief

€113,86 incl. VAT

€94,88 excl. VAT

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Product Description:

The Floatsation Neck Collar follows the same revolutionary concept as the rest of the Floatsation range. Made of two rows of 50mm balls it fits neatly around the base of the neck and also supports the head at the same time.

As the person moves their head the collar moves to ensure maximum support and comfort whilst at the same time ensuring a comfortable head and neck position in the water.

Suitable for play by swimmers of all abilities.

Size: 60x20cm

Estimated Delivery:

Made To Order - Up to 4 Weeks




  • 5 - 7 Year Olds
  • 8 + Years Old
  • Teenage
  • Adult