Deluxe Dark Den Sensory Box

  • markers Deluxe Dark Den Sensory Box-Sensory toy-AllSensory,Calmer Classrooms,Classroom Packs,Den Accessories,Helps With,Learning Activity Kits,Meltdown Management,Sensory,sensory activity,Sensory Boxes,Sensory Dens,Sensory Processing Disorder,Visual Sensory Toys-Learning SPACE

Deluxe Dark Den Sensory Box

Vat Relief

€270,60 incl. VAT

€225,50 excl. VAT

Product Code:

Product Description:

Our 'Deluxe Dark Den Sensory Box' features an array of exciting, colourful and stimulating lights that glow and project inside your dark den.

Transform your Dark Den into a magical wonderland with our 'Deluxe Dark Den Sensory Box!'

Moving lights that change colour with built in speakers add an extra element of fun to any dark space.

Alternative items may be provided, subject to availability. 

Estimated Delivery:

Delivery 5-7 Days


  • 3- 5 Years Old
  • 5 - 7 Year Olds
  • 8 + Years Old